The army faction is one of the more difficult ones to figure out how to deal with in My Majesty, mostly because of all the different types of troops you have in your army and the things they want don’t often line up with the wants of the people.

If a request mentions who is asking, make sure you pay attention to who it is (hussars, knights, etc.) before you answer it. Hussars tend to be intimidating to your subjects, most of your subjects are approving of duels and testing weapons, and requests from knights can go one way or the other.

If you need some similar help with another faction be sure to open up one of the following links to see their questions and answers I’ve logged as well:

Priesthood faction questions and answers Nobility faction questions and answers Commoners faction questions and answers Thinkers faction question and answers Outlaw faction question and answers

How to use this guide

There are a few things to mention before we push forward! First, keep in mind these are not all the questions you’ll get from the army. They are simply all the questions I kept track of. The amount of questions and answers will grow as I keep playing.

Second, most of the questions listed here do not have the results for both answers yet. They’ll come in time, but this is a work in progress as there are so many questions the game throws at you it’s hard to list literally all of them out.

Third, important words in each question/request are highlighted so you can scroll through and find what you’re looking for easily. Hopefully the question you’re looking for the answer to is here.

Lastly, My Majesty is a game packed with typos and grammatical errors. These are retained in the questions and answers below just to keep things uniform.


This guide will only grow as I keep playing. Check back later for more questions and answers so you can keep a wrangle on your moody factions.