Wagner supervisor Yevgeny Prigozhin, 61, let detainees know that they ought to end their own lives as opposed to being caught in Ukraine, holding one explosive for the adversary and one for themselves.


Video shows Prigozhin let the crooks know that they can become war legends or be shot as weaklings, as the Kremlin moves forward enrollment of detainees in the wake of experiencing an embarrassing loss against Ukraine’s ‘s armed force in the east.

“This is a hard conflict, way off the mark to any semblance of [Chechnya] and the others,” he was videoed telling them, Day to day Mail detailed.

“My ammunition utilization is over twice higher than in the clash of Stalingrad,” where there were right around 2,000,000 setbacks, he said, Day to day Mail revealed.

The attempt to seal the deal to many detainees under dim skies at a high security corrective settlement in Mordovia, a previous Gulag jail camp locale, comes by and by from Prigozhin, nicknamed Vladimir Putin’s ‘gourmet expert’, who was as of late made a Legend of Russia for his devotion.

Killers, sex wrongdoers and criminals are offered moment opportunity and an exculpation from Putin on the off chance that they endure a half year at the bleeding edge in the ridiculous conflict. The people who die will be covered ‘as legends’, he tells them, Everyday Mail announced.

The people who face catch by Ukraine are requested to utilize explosives to commit suicide as opposed to fall into foe hands.

Convict soldiers what desert’s identity is informed that they will be in a split second executed with a projectile to the head.

A subtly recorded video shows Prigozhin concede that he addresses the Wagner private armed force, conveyed by Putin in Ukraine.

He has recently denied a connection to Wagner which is known to have previously enlisted great many detainees as Russia conveys its most perilous detainees as contenders.

“I’m a delegate of a confidential conflict organization, maybe you heard the name – Wagner Gathering,” he tells the collected jail prisoners, Day to day Mail revealed.