Morgan McCaffery, 18, of Abington Township, was wounded more than 30 times, as per specialists.

Newton was accused of First Degree and Third Degree Murder and for ownership of a Criminal Instrument. As no bail is accessible, for First-Degree Murder. The wrongdoer was shipped off the Montgomery County Correctional Facility.

Newton was taken for his preliminary on Monday, September 27, 2021.

Gilbert Newton’s mom’s name is Judy, and his dad is Gilbert Newton Jr.

Back in 2020, July 27, Newton’s mom was the one to call 911 subsequent to seeing his child canvassed in blood, and scared. She let them know her child was shrouded in blood and had said that he had harmed his better half, as per the criminal grumbling.

Newton was open with regards to his relationship, with his mom. Prior to the occurrence, he has informed her mom a few times, expressing that he want to kill Morgan.

Nonetheless, in the preliminary that happened yesterday, Newton’s Father and Mother affirmed that Newton has a “fantastic” notoriety for “being a serene, honest, honest resident,”.

McCaffrey’s preliminary hearing was on 27 September 2020. As per the analysts, Newton showed murderous musings in numerous instant messages shipped off the person in question and his Mother.

“Now, I genuinely trust you (sic) die. “I simply need to (sic) wound u in the neck constantly,” he says. Newton has likewise kept in touch with his mom in instant messages about his relationship with McCaffery, “I need to wound this young lady in the (interjection) neck, man,” and “I’m truly going to (swearword) kill her mate.” According to declaration, “I will cut her multiple times.”

Right hand District Attorney Kathleen McLaughlin and co-examiner Gabrielle Hughes guaranteed that Newton submitted first-degree murder, which is a purposeful killing and he should get a compulsory sentence of life detainment.

Nonetheless, Newton’s safeguard legal advisor, A. Charles Peruto Jr., expresses that Newton was bothered over the couple’s separation, and had no expectation of killing McCaffery.

Besides, Newton affirmed that he had brought two blades and planned to commit suicide on the off chance that she had continued on. Yet, his outrage regarding kicked and wound up killing her.

Furthermore, in regards to the message, he expressed that it was simply at the time, and he was not sane.

His preliminary is going to end today, and we trust that the criminal gets the meriting discipline.

Morgan McCaffrey was a guiltless and liberal 18 years of age young lady, contemplating in secondary school at Nazareth Academy.

— CBS Philly (@CBSPhilly) September 28, 2021

As per the school, “Morgan sparkled brilliantly according to everybody she met. Morgan as of late coordinated, bundled, and appropriated care bundles to attendants at Abington Hospital during the beginning phases of the plague”.

She had said a final farewell to Newton around a month prior to the occurrence and went to see him talk about it when she was cut to death at the rail line station. We appeal to God for her tranquility and backing for her family.