Here we offer Brave Frontier gamers with more cheats, tricks and tips to help you and your team mates defeat Maxwell and save Great Gaia. Using the information provided here you’ll have more fun and a lot more success playing your favourite video game.

Look for specific Vortex Gates

Players can earn karma and different types of evolution material, depending on the Vortex Gate and day of the week they play Brave Frontier.

Battle against monsters successfully on Monday in Congregation of Souls to earn lots of Karma Fight and defeat monsters in Enchanted Paradise on Tuesday to earn Nymphs, Idols and Spirits On Wednesday players can go through the Caves of Desires to earn additions Mimics Successfully battling through Order of Gods on Thursday earns you more totems Brave Frontier players successfully battling on Friday earn more experience and essential crafting material Winning weekend battles in The Golden Vault are great for earning lots of Zel.

Keep town upgraded

Brave Frontier gamers need to keep the town upgraded and constantly go back and collect everything they can. Use the tips below to help.

Make sure to keep using the synthesis area to gain items that heal, like cures, and keep them close by, so they’re easy to access when you need them Keep looking for bonuses as you play Brave Frontier Check the newspaper and look around town for events to take part in. Brave Frontier players can earn Jewel Ghosts, Metal Ghosts and Kings and Gods Sell Jewel Ghosts for more Zel Use Metal Ghosts to battle monsters and earn lots of experience Keep other units earned through events to help improve team members

Players can sometimes find important events looking in the newspapers, which will ask gamers to post on Facebook or another mundane task, to gain special prizes, like rare units.

Buy songs from town Music House

Once players make level 10 playing Brave Frontier, they can buy songs from the Zel soundtrack through the town Music House.

Use the Brave Frontier tricks, tips and cheats provided here to take your game to the next level and save Great Gaia from Maxwell. In the future I will provide gamers with more information on this fun and challenging video game.

Keep coming back here for more ideas on improving your game play and making your favourite video game as entertaining as possible.