It is really difficult to find the best weapon amongst such a huge variety of choices. That is why we offer you a tier list of the best weapons in Mordhau from best to worst.

But remember that even the worst weapon in this list is better than any other one not included here. So they are all very good for different reasons.


Cost: 11 Head damage: 160/120/80/67 Body damage: 100/60/50/37 Legs damage: 95/45/35/22

Halberd is an expensive weapon, but the damage is definitely worth it. 

It is especially effective for slashing attacks that can hit up to three enemies at a time, which is only possible with a weapon like the Halberd.

Also, you can move halberd in many different ways, which makes it unpredictable and thus hard to counter.

Just use it in an open space to make use of its length to get the most out of this weapon.

War Axe

Cost: 5 Head damage: 130/105/80/70 Body damage: 100/75/65/55 Legs damage: 80/65/55/45

If the length of the Halberd intimidates you and you don’t want to hurt your teammates in the heat of battle, then consider a War Axe instead.

The damage is a little less than the Halberd, but the War Axe is half the length, which makes it a bit more convenient in close quarter combat.

If you like slashing heads off, then this is a perfect weapon for you.

Executioner’s Sword

Cost: 7 Head damage: 120/110/80/70 Body damage: 100/90/60/50 Legs damage: 100/60/45/35

This sword is probably the only weapon in the game capable of killing two armored enemies with one swing.

Executioner’s Sword is also an excellent choice for Duel servers, as it has a great reach and excruciating amounts of damage for a two-handed sword.

The only drawback of this weapon is that it can’t be used for combos, but Halberd can’t be either and it’s still considered one of the most OP weapons in the game.


Cost: 10 Head damage: 115/100/70/55 Body damage: 100/75/55/40 Legs damage: 70/60/40/34

In case combos play an important role in the way you play, then opt for Zweihander instead, an excellent alternative for a more robust Executioner’s Sword.

This two-handed sword can insta-kill an enemy, if you manage to hit them in the back. This is possible due to its heavy weight, which also makes it kind of slow.

The best tactics with Zweihander is to attack unexpectedly from behind.


Cost: 7 Head damage: 110/100/61/58 Body damage: 60/50/41/38 Legs damage: 50/40/34/29

Crossbow may not be the most powerful ranged weapon in the game, but it definitely has the fastest projectiles.

It’s pretty slow when it comes to reloading, but the accuracy and the range are unequaled. Hence crossbow is a great weapon if you like taking precise headshots even from the greatest of distances. Who doesn’t like to do that?

Long Bow

Cost: 11 Head damage: 100/100/54/50 Body damage: 70/50/36/34 Legs damage: 50/40/27/25

If the Crossbow reload time is killing you, then Long Bow is the best alternative. Though its equip cost is rather high, really.

Long Bow allows you to reload when moving, which isn’t possible when using the Crossbow. It makes for a more mobile playstyle.

The speed of the Long Bow projectile is slower than that of the Crossbow, so keep this in mind when choosing between the two.


Cost: 7 Head damage: 100/100/100/100 Body damage: 85/83/77/75 Legs damage: 75/68/62/60

Here’s a weapon that is perfect for duels. It’s not terribly fast on the swing, but the damage is incredibly high.

If you manage to get the momentum of your swings right, then it can easily kill a heavy armored player with one swing regularly.

Maul would be an excellent choice for the Bloodlust build. If that’s what you’re going after, then this weapon is a perfect fit.

Recurve Bow

Cost: 7 Head damage: 100/70/43/40 Body damage: 50/40/23/20 Legs damage: 40/34/20/15

Recurve Bow is not as good as a Long Bow or Crossbow, but it’s your best bet if you want something ranged but  don’t like the cost of a Long Bow and the slow reload time of the Crossbow.

With certain perks this could become a really good ranged weapon for any archer build you’re aiming for.


Cost: 3 Head damage: 100/72/56/49 Body damage: 70/52/41/38 Legs damage: 60/37/26/18

Falchion is a very fast one-handed weapon that does a decent amount of damage. Players call it the short Zweihander due to its high power level.

Its slashing damage is especially effective, but look elsewhere if you’re looking for stabbing damage as well. For example, Short Spear may fit your criteria a little better.

Short Spear

Cost: 4 Head damage: 100/75/55/45 Body damage: 65/60/45/35 Legs damage: 55/50/30/25

This is a great weapon for light armor builds that want to be really fast in combat.

It has a massive stabbing damage, which is great for penetrating heavy armor, and the throws can be almost as accurate as those of an archer.

Having one Short Spear is great, but it’s even better if you manage to get two.  If you’re carrying only one, it’s in your best interest to wield this with a shield.


Cost: 5 Head damage: 100/75/60/52 Body damage: 70/60/50/40 Legs damage: 60/50/40/34

Messer is known as the destroyer of the light armor. This is possible due to its amazing drag and slash damage.

Many players consider it superior to the Longsword due to its higher speed and decent reach. It is shorter than Longsword and doesn’t have the same reach, although not by much.

There is also a one-handed version of Messer that could be just as good in combination with the Heater shield.


Cost: 4 Head damage: 100/67/49/45 Body damage: 60/52/34/30 Legs damage: 50/37/19/15

Rapier is probably the most beginner friendly weapon in Mordhau. It’s just a simple thrusting weapon that is excellent for finishing off enemies. It’s also highly effective for headshot stabs, which is really easy to achieve by simply scrolling up.

That is one of the reasons why you will see so many players using a Rapier on Duel servers.


Cost: 2 Head damage: 100/67/55/46 Body damage: 57/52/45/36 Legs damage: 47/39/32/20

A one-handed axe can be quite effective as well. It’s really good in close combat, and you can throw it at enemies that are out of range.

The cost is really low so you can carry a few and if you happen to lose one, you can always take another axe and keep pressuring your enemies.

That’s about it for the best weapons in the game for rip and tearing, and slicing and dicing. For more Mordhau guides at GameSkinny, check out the list below:

How to Vote Kick Players How to Build a Ballista How to Farm Gold & XP How to Throw Weapons