The newest trailer for the game features a crossover with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, showing Link as an adorable Felyne. This version of Link will be free downloadable content in the game.

The Link-cat crossover is in line with Monster Hunter Generation’s allowing players to inhabit the series’ Palicos. The “Wind Waker” DLC will allow players to dress their characters in Link’s costume. Other DLC options include Amaterasu, the canine deity from Okami.

Players of the action-RPG will take on the role of monster hunter and come face-to-face with menacing beasts as they aspire to become the ultimate hunter. Along the way, they will defend the four villages in the game from powerful new monsters called the Fated Four.

A demo is available to play on Nintendo’s eShop now, but Monster Hunter Generations will be officially released on July 15 for Nintendo 3DS. The game will retail for $39.99 and will be be available for purchase after its launch.