David Frank of Indigo Films is the maker of the American narrative TV program Wives with Knives, which airs on Investigation Discovery. It features the accounts of various ladies who hurt their accomplices by perpetrating wrongdoings.


The program subtleties the occasions paving the way to the assault and how Rob Kramer’s ex, Monica Fairview, induced it. To keep up with her way of life of extravagance, Monica meets folks like Rob. However, two or three gets into an actual contention that finishes with Monica betraying Rob in view of Rob’s requirement for extreme control and Monica’s propensity for show.

Where Could Monica Fairview Murderer Today be? Ransack Kramer Stabbing On’ Wives With Knives Right now living in Decatur, Texas, Monica Fairview has all the earmarks of being a land specialist. A jury viewed Monica to be liable of serious attack, and in March 2013, she got condemned to eight years in prison. Monica was subsequently let out of authority.

The program declares that Rob took a stab at compromise with Monica in the wake of being let out of the emergency clinic. Things didn’t keep going long, however; he later lied on promise to help her.

In spite of the fact that it doesn’t create the impression that Rob presently has worked, it gives the idea that he lives in Frisco, Texas. Monica Fairview was at that point separated and battling for guardianship of her kid when she initially met Rob.

They got along wonderfully and got hitched as a result in December 1998. Somewhat more than a year after the fact, the couple had their girl.

Afterward, Monica sought legal separation from Rob and started dating once more. On one of Monica’s excursions in July 2009, Rob once appeared. By 2011, Monica had remarried and was enjoying a brief time frame with Rob in Atlanta, Georgia.

Monica Fairview Atlanta Dateline On September 24, 2011, Monica Fairview went with her brother to a show. The way that Monica would be taking their child was notable to Rob. At the point when he got back later, he was despondent that Monica had left their little girl at home.

Then Rob sent her a SMS to tell her that he was removing her from the house. On September 25, 2011, it happened some place in the extremely early times.

The little girl, who was eleven years of age at that point, guaranteed that a maddened Monica got back and committed to “wound him on the off chance that I needed to” prior to getting away from the house while blazing a blade in her belt.

She halted the activity in the yard briefly, then, at that point, cut him once with a hunting blade. Witnesses had proactively called 911 by then. Burglarize was fortunately saved in the wake of being shipped expeditiously to the clinic.

— iResala.com (@iResalacom) January 14, 2014

Monica Fairview Husband and Family Details Monica Fairview’s ex’s name was Rob Kramer. There isn’t a lot of data about Monica’s family on the web. She has a little girl along with Rob.

As per observer accounts, Rob had some blood on him when Monica hit him right in the face. Loot was fortunately saved subsequent to being moved quickly to the clinic.

Concerning Monica, she was kept while out on a walk around her baby close behind. Moreover, She had recorded the whole attack, which ultimately hurt her lawful position. Witnesses expressed that all through the showdown, Rob stayed away from actual clash.