The Coal black Life Chief is presently a Leader individual from the esteemed business college.

The mother of two communicated how regarded and favored she is to take up her arrangement as a Chief Individual. She would be imparting her encounters to understudies of the school.

Mo Abudu uncovered that her essential spotlight would be on research, for certain organizations and warning/instructing for MBA understudies.

“Goodmorning wonderful individuals. I’m eager to tell you that I have acknowledged an arrangement from Harvard Business college, as a Chief Individual. Formally, I began cooperation yesterday, September 30th! The Leader Colleagues Program use the aptitude of exceptional experts, including graduated class, every one of whom accomplices with HBS employees to carry their involvement with business into the MBA program and the School.


Mo Abudu (@moabudu)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

HBS Leader Colleagues involve non-staff subsidiaries who add to the school through a rich arrangement of co-curricular exercises, in light of their work and valuable encounters. Genuinely, it is an unbelievable privilege for me to take up this arrangement as a HBS Leader Individual and to share encounters. My essential spotlight will be on research, with some guidance and warning/training for MBA understudies.

I will create an exceptional, entrancing and energizing undertaking, as a team with HBS personnel, during my time here. I anticipate enlightening you seriously regarding this task soon! My unique on account of Teacher Henry McGee, Teacher Andy Wu, Teacher Feng Zhu, and the whole Harvard Business college group for getting this going. Andy, thank you for the acquaintances with Teacher Kong Luo and Teacher Tarum Khanna. Alyssa, thank you kindly for getting me set up, with my focus room, in coordinated factors, what not.

To wrap things up, I stay the CEL of the EbonyLife Gathering; this arrangement is parttime for a concurred period. I will invest my energy between Boston, London, Los Angeles, and Lagos over the course of the following couple of months. To the EbonyLife Group, bless your heart. We move with adoration”.

Two years back, Mo Abudu, had marked a first-of-its-sort manage the streaming goliath, Netflix.

Mo Abudu marked a multi-title manage the American innovation and media administrations supplier and creation organization.

Mo in a meeting with The Hollywood Correspondent said;


Mo Abudu (@moabudu)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

“The discussion began months prior, we have been discussing it for a long time. However, it’s the first of its sort on the landmass, it’s never been finished,”

She proceeded, “I supplicate there are a lot more [like us], on the grounds that it will be perfect to see such countless more movie producers and narrators engaged on the landmass, yet we are the first. It’s been awesome working with them.”