Mithai uncovers it was a reason so she can let him know she feeling. She says Mr Agarwal and his child have a few other secret intention and their looks were peculiar as though they need this marriage for their own advantage. Siddharth says then Karishma’s dad ought to figure out that. What can be done? He is so anxious to get Karishma hitched to Aditya. Mithai says yet they need to figure out Mr Agarwal’s genuine expectations. Yet, for that Siddharth needs to remain calm. Mithai out of nowhere contacts the hot pot on the broiler. Her hand gets scorched and Siddharth gets stressed for her.

Siddharth reprimands her for her imprudence. He takes out ice blocks from the cooler and applies it on her hand. They share a second and Mithai says she is OK. Karishma’s mom requests that Girish serve food to Agarwals. Girish declines saying its issue of his regard. Karishma’s mom says theres nothing out of sorts in it, Fufaji says he likewise did numerous things which doesn’t exactly measure up for his status however he found no work as discourteous why mightn’t Girish at any point serve food to visitors? They are not requesting that he wash Aditya’s feet. Dadi says she will figure out how to that with Mithai. Karishma’s mom tells her that she has no faith in Mithai so just Girish will serve the food. Girish concurs saying Karishma resembles his girl so he will do that for the wellbeing of she. Girish keeps plates and glasses on the table and starts filling water in the glasses. Mr Agarwal prods him saying he ought to get it done quick else the noon will transform into supper time. He makes Girish tumble down purposely and everybody gets astounded. He gets up and says Mr Agarwal did that to him deliberately. Aditya yells at him for blaming his dad. Aditya says he was unable to welcome his visitors and presently accusing his dad. He ridicules Girish’s personality and Girish attempts to slap him. Aditya drives him away.

Siddharth slaps Aditya and requests that he act appropriately with older folks. He will not endure his dad’s affront. Mr Agarwal shares with him what happened unexpectedly that he is giving admiration to his dad when he used to feel embarrassed to call Girish his dad prior. Karishma’s mom advises Siddharth to apologize to Mr Agarwal, in the event that Karishma’s wedding gets dropped as a result of him, she will not pardon him. Siddharth says Aditya will apologize to his dad. Mithai takes Siddharth to room and says he made the right stride by raising voice against Aditya. He acted mischievously with Girish. Karishma’s folks argue Mr Agarwal not to drop the wedding, they are upset for what Siddharth did. Mr Agarwal says Abhishek called them to affront his loved ones. Mithai says no child will endure his dad’s affront. Siddharth comes and apologizes to Aditya’s family which shocks everybody.