This block generates naturally and can be mined using a pickaxe. It can also be found inside chests from mason villagers, which can be found in plains, savanna, and snowy tundra biomes. But the easiest way to get this crafting item is to simply smelt Smooth Stone using the recipes below.
How to Make Smooth Stone in Minecraft
Cobble Stone is one of the most common blocks in Minecraft, and it’s the primary ingredient for smelting Smooth Stone. You will also need some charcoal.
First, you need to smelt 1x Cobblestone with 1x Charcoal (or any other fuel) in a regular furnace to get 1x Stone. Then, smelt 1x Stone with 1x Charcoal in your furnace to get 1x Smooth Stone.
Smooth Stone Recipes
You can cut Smooth Stone in the Stonecutter and make Smooth Stone Slabs, which can be used for building sturdy stairs.
But the most important function of Smooth Stone is its use in crafting Blast Furnaces, which can be used for more complex smelting. Here is the recipe for it:
The positioning of the ingredients in your crafting table is very important.
If you don’t have a regular Furnace yet, then simply combine 5x Black Stone with 3x Cobble Stone to craft one.
That’s all you need to know on how to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft. For more Minecraft guides, check out our dedicated hub page, and if you were looking for Minecraft seeds, head over to this page.