As indicated by Windows Central, the application allows clients to add a report to a gathering for participants to sign, like a buy understanding, receipt, or NDA.

The example application was made by Teams Ecosystem Engineering as a proof of idea focused on free programming sellers (ISVs) or different clients executing it.

The whole task is accessible and archived on GitHub, which ought to help associations that might want to utilize it inside gatherings, the report said.

The application permits clients to add a record to a gathering to be evaluated or endorsed by participants. It upholds Teams single-sign-on (SSO) for verification.

The report referenced that it likewise upholds sharing content during a gathering stage, versatile cards, and the Teams nation picker.

Microsoft noticed that the application could be adjusted to work with different situations that require closing down, for example, exploring and supporting code or cooperating on a record.

The example application is presently accessible for work area clients of Teams. Portable and web support is coming, however Microsoft didn’t determine when in its Tech Community post declaring the component, the report said.

Right now, the application just works with clients from a similar association or inhabitant. Visitor and mysterious client support are additionally coming, it added.